Relocating – the tips you need to know

Experts are offering tips for Britons planning to pack up their home and start a new life abroad.

Paul Stewart from has helped 50,000 people relocate their lives around the globe and has put together his advice for moving overseas.  He says the move falls into clear stages - doing your homework before you even decide on a destination, planning the move and then arranging the finer details once you finally arrive.  Paul believes by following these clearly laid out steps, some of the stress will be taken out of such a big life change.

Paul said: “There’s no doubt that moving abroad is stressful. There is a lot to organise both in the UK and the country you’re moving to as well as all the practicalities like finding somewhere to live and moving all your belongings.  “Doing your research before you go is essential. Countries will have different entry and Visa requirements so this has to be the first step.  “It’s also important to remember this move doesn’t mean you’re on holiday permanently so you need to look at your chosen destination as a place to live, not just two weeks away in the sun.”

Here are’s top tips for a successful relocation:


Do your homework

Before you head off to a new country, think about the practicalities. Look into visa and entry requirements and factor in enough time before you move to apply for all the necessary paperwork. There are different types of Visa depending on your nationality, profession, whether you’re relocating with your current job.


Take a holiday

If financially viable and not too far away, it’s always worth visiting the country for a few weeks holiday first. Ask yourself some questions – do you like the lifestyle? Could you see yourself working and living in the country? Seriously weigh up the pros and cons. It’s one thing falling in love with a destination when you’re on holiday, another living and working there year-round.



Making sure you can actually afford to live and enjoy life in a new country is vital. Look at the cost of living versus the wage you could potentially earn. It may be cheaper than the UK to live somewhere, but if the wages are a lot lower, the sums may not add up. Consider too the length of the working day and annual leave. You may be working a lot longer for a lot less, or alternatively, less hours for more money.


Find somewhere to live

It’s always worth renting initially – this gives you flexibility if you want to try living in a different part of the town or city you’ve moved to. If eventually your plan is to buy, then this also gives you the chance to be absolutely sure you’ve settled on the right location.


Find a job

If you’re not relocating with work, find yourself a job if you need one. If finding one remotely proves tough, sign up with temping agencies before you leave the UK.


Bank accounts

You’ll need to set up bank accounts and make sure you have adequate funds in them before you move. It’s important to have this in place to allow your new life to get off to a smooth start.


Move your belongings

Organising and booking this well in advance will mean you and your belongings arrive at pretty much the same time, helping you settle and feel at home. I’ve helped over 50,000 Britons relocate since I set up My Baggage, taking everything from a few suitcases and personal belongings to much larger items to every corner of the globe.


Expat forums

Join some expat forums to get a feel for what life is really like before you commit. Once you have committed, these are a great way to make contact with other like-minded expats and start to build a social circle for you and your family.


Learn the language

An obvious one but take the time to learn the language and cultural differences. You don’t need to know everything before you go – just enough to make the transition to another country easier.


When you arrive

If you have children, school and childcare arrangements will need to be made, doctors registered with and government departments to inform. If your Visa is temporary, this is also the time to take the necessary steps to begin to make that permanent.