Show How Much You Care

There’s no better place to find live-in staff to help your parents than The Lady

What goes around, comes around,’ the saying goes, and that is certainly true in the case of care. Our parents cared for us as children unerringly and without question. They were always there for us, whatever scrapes we found ourselves in. But when I was young I never thought that one day they would need to be looked after in the same way they looked after me.

Nor did I realise how swiftly this reversal of roles can happen.


As this realisation gradually dawned, in my mind’s eye I imagined I would be able to look after my parents while juggling the other 155 balls I have to keep in the air. These include doing a demanding job, charity work, and looking after my husband, sons, three dogs and a house. I have little or no time to myself, let alone enough to be able to be with my parents 24 hours a day. Yet that is what they now need.

I can’t be the only one who promised their parents they wouldn’t put them into a care home. Even if the place was beautiful, what an upheaval it would be, both emotionally and physically, to have to downsize from a house to a single room. What if it didn’t work out and their house had already been sold?

Oh gosh, there are so many what-ifs.


My parents are both in their 90s. Although until recently my father would profess to feeling like an 18-year-old, he now suffers with both Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia. Following a three-week stay in hospital last year he went into rehab to rebuild his muscles, but came out in a sack hoist. We were told he would never walk again.


Thankfully the ‘experts’ were wrong. Within a couple of months, with the right care sourced through The Lady, he was able to walk around the garden again. My mother, a year behind him in age, has different needs. Companionship and a bit of extra help are key for her, rather than full-on care. Live-in care at home for my parents has been the perfect solution.

Could it be for yours too?

The Lady is the ideal place to find professional and sympathetic carers to help your parents or other relatives. They can give you peace of mind that, whatever their needs, your loved ones are being well looked after in their own home.

For a no obligation chat and advice about recruiting care for your parents, please call our specialist recruitment team on 020 7379 4717, email or click here to see the list of options on our website.