Organic September is here

Seven tips on how to put nature first this September from Yeo Valley Organic 

With Organic September in full flow, the UK’s leading organic brand, Yeo Valley Organic, is asking people to put nature first and live more sustainably.  Recent YouGov research revealed that only 15% of us fully understand the role organic farming can play in helping to slow climate change, but small steps such as buying British organic farmed food can really make a difference.

It’s the little, easy changes to our daily habits, such as buying organic more often or encouraging garden wildlife, including insects and birds, which collectively can make a positive impact on the environment. What’s more, the research found that nearly two-thirds (63%) of us agree that the Coronavirus lockdown has made this year a good opportunity to take a post-pandemic pledge to reduce our environmental impact on the world, so what better time to start!

With over 25 years’ experience as an organic brand, the Yeo Valley Organic team share their top tips for how you too can put nature first and make a difference in everyday life:

Switch your everyday purchases to organic ones

Did you know that supporting organic farming can help to slow down climate change?  If you’re on a mission to make a difference, a really simple step you can make is to swap out your current groceries, like milk, cheese and yogurt, with organic alternatives.

Go wild 

At Yeo Valley Organic we like to keep things as natural as possible and that means appreciating the wildlife in your home and garden. You could try gardening organically or planting wildflower seeds to encourage more butterflies and bees.

Reduce, reuse and recycle 

You may already be using reusable carrier bags and recycling all single use plastic, but there’s still lots more we can all do to put nature first when it comes to our buying habits. Try visiting a vintage or charity shop next time you want to go clothes shopping or take the time to make gifts for friends rather than buying new.  You can also try going green by recycling old yoghurt pots to give them a new lease of life as plant pots next spring.  If you think outside the box with reusing and recycling, you may be surprised at the finds you can make and new skills you can learn!

Save energy

Whether you’re able to drive less, use less water, or switch to a green energy supplier, every small change you make to reduce your energy consumption can make a huge difference to your carbon emissions and environmental impact on our world. Try it – you could save money too! 

Borrow, don’t buy

One of the best ways we can look after the environment and its resources is to buy less single use items. If you can borrow your neighbour’s sander for some DIY, then you don’t need to buy your own.  Lend your camping equipment to a friend rather than them buying from new and you’ll be keeping one more item out of creation.  

Grow your own 

At Yeo Valley Organic, we grow lots of the organic produce available in our café. Knowing and understanding where your food comes from is a great way of being more connected to nature and the environment.  

Buy British

As well as growing your own produce, another great way to support your local community and understand the local environment is to buy from local shops and British producers and farmers. Farmers are intrinsically connected to the environment, so when you buy produce straight from a local supplier, you too are playing a part in protecting the community and wildlife.

If you prefer leaving your garden in the hands of professionals, contact our specialist recruitment team today to find you the perfect candidate; from Housekeepers to Gardeners, Nannies to Carers, we source only the most exceptional candidates for your home. Contact our friendly team today: