The Lady is 134 years old!

Under ordinary circumstances it is impolite to discuss a lady’s age, however, on this occasion we will allow some diversion from this rule of etiquette for a very special birthday on 19th February 2019, and one which marks The Lady Magazine’s 134th year in print. In the current publishing climate and while we see national and regional publications disappearing at a horrifying rate, The Lady has remained in print, got bigger, glossier and continues to hold her own in a challenging and unpredictable marketplace without compromising on editorial quality. In recently updated issues, readers get much more content as well as the much-loved recipes, style, Ladygram puzzles and crosswords. The magazine’s success lies in the fact that there remains a combination of aspirational style and helpful, practical advice, something which is still very much at the heart of what readers get in their twice-monthly issue. 

134 years ago ‘The Lady, A Journal for Gentlewomen’  began her deft journey into the nation’s hearts and homes. Initial offerings included silks of all kinds, linens, velvets, cord rugs and shawls, to the best class of carriages, built to order, ‘combining elegance and style, with lightness, durability and easy riding.’ 

This first edition, on 19th February 1885 gives a fascinating and enlightening picture of Victorian London. Savoy Moulds ‘for the supper table’, shawls, cord and railway rugs are offered while Addley Bourne of Piccadilly, retiring from business, sells off its entire stock, including ‘Tea Gowns, Morning Wrappers and Man-O-War Costumes.’ EUCALYPTERA, an advert for a lotion presumably made with eucalyptus, claims to heal headaches or nervous exhaustion in any number of situations. ‘Actor, Actresses, Authors, Authoresses, Judges, Barristers, Lawyers, M.P.’s, Students, Public Singers, Beauties of the Season, Weary Hostesses, Lecturers, Clergymen, Travellers by Rail, Travellers by Sea and Residents in Hot Climates should never be without the newly-discovered luxury EUCALYPTERA.’ This incredible formulation, as well as healing the skin of redness and getting rid of colds and sore throats, ‘immediately upon application relieves the severest forms of neuralgia and pains in the head, restores the nerves from a condition of exhaustion and depression and by its soothing influence upon the brain induces refreshing sleep.’

Remaining stalwart throughout two World Wars and numerous political, social and economic crises, The Lady continues to advise generations of women on all things related to the home; fashion, childcare, cooking and domestic advice. Long may she last!

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