The Recipe for Ravishing Locks

Have you ever lusted for long, healthy, shiny hair? You’ve probably walked passed a stranger with amazing hair on the street and wondered what their secret is for their enviable locks. 

Genetics definitely play a role in a person’s hair structure for example male pattern baldness is something that is more likely to be inherited if your ancestors suffered from it. However following a recipe made from a few select food groups can help improve your mane and avoid hair loss.  We have revealed below the top five things to do to treat your tresses and grow your hair that even Rapunzel will envy!

Pack In The Protein For Hair Gains

We all aim to include as much protein in our diets as possible, as it’s great for building mass and repairing muscle tissue. Protein is also the key food group for keeping hair healthy as it produces keratin, which is responsible for making the hair’s structure and keeping it strong.

To incorporate more protein in your diet aim to include lean meats and oily fish such as chicken, turkey, salmon and mackerel. If you are a non-meat eater you can still find plenty of protein in dairy products, eggs, leafy greens and lentils.

Don’t Forget The Carbs (Wholegrain Of Course!)

Many hair experts will always recommend a high protein diet for keeping hair healthy and luscious, but actually you need carbs too! This is because if you are on a low-carb diet whatever protein you are eating is converting into energy and goes to your more vital organs first which in effect depletes your protein resources to your hair, skin and nails. Those on fad or yo-yo diets also tend to find their hair becomes brittle and weak due to the lack of consistent nutrients they are consuming.

"Carbohydrates are important nutrients for your hair," says Marilyn Sherlock, chairman of the Institute of Trichologists. "People who run a lot and deplete their carbohydrate stores can experience hair loss."

"No-carb or very-low-carb diets can affect the hair. You may see the shedding effects around 3 months after a diet of this kind as that's the length of the growth cycle of hair."[1]

Don’t be fooled in thinking you can get away with eating lots of pizza and crisps though, wholegrains are the best carbohydrates to consume as they contain more fiber and protein. Try eating organic brown rice or noodles from Clearspring (from £2.59, to get a healthier carb fix to complete your meal and hair diet.

Vitamin C For Your Collagen

Vitamin C helps hair growth as it assists collagen production in the body, which helps strengthen hair shafts and follicles. Collagen is particularly needed after you turn 30 as your collagen production naturally decreases; this is one reason why our hair becomes weaker as we age. There are also theories to suggest more collagen actually makes your hair thicker too. Look to add vitamin c rich foods in your meals including the likes of citrus fruits, peppers and strawberries.


Gentle Hair Products

Those that are blessed with long voluminous hair often use gentle hair products that contain natural ingredients. It isn’t unheard of for supermodels to recommend using baby shampoo!

Master Colourist, Theo Bambacas recommends sulphate free products whenever possible for healthier hair: “It’s important to bear in mind that as you age your hair changes texture and becomes more coarse and wiry. Don’t over colour your hair and only touch up your roots when you need to, this will avoid excess fading of your colour or your colour appearing too dark from your original shade. “

“Always use a gentle sulphates free shampoo and conditioner and it’s even better when it’s natural as your hair and scalp will benefit more. I advise Herbatint’s Organic Moringa Shampoo (£9.99,, which contains aloe vera and moringa, and always use a conditioner after shampooing. Remember to not over shampoo your mane as this can make your hair dryer because it strips away the hair’s natural oils.”

If you like to colour your hair invest or ask your hairdresser for a hair colourant which is formulated using the least chemicals as possible with no ammonia, resorcinol or alcohol. Herbatint’s hair colourant range uses less than 2% PPD and hosts 36 shades in their range (£9.50,

Baby Hair Blues

When going through pregnancy, many women find their hair looks in the best condition it ever has done with it becoming thicker and glossier than ever before. This is down to your influx of oestrogen hormones, which causes your hair to shed less. Once your bundle of joy arrives you may be on cloud nine with your motherhood bliss but for the next six months over half of new mums find that they suffer from hair loss, which is down to your oestrogen hormones regulating again.

Dermatologist Dr Zoe D. Draelos says, “Many times, some of the hair that is shed post-pregnancy may eventually re-grow. However, in women who have female-pattern hair loss, the hair may not re-grow. Those women who have an inherited tendency towards female-pattern hair loss should seek dermatologic help at that point.”[1]

To promote scalp stimulation Samol uses only natural ingredients from an age old Unani remedy including sesame seed and organic cold pressed pumpkin seed oil.  Samol is a safe herbal hair and scalp oil that you can use even when pregnant (£18.33 , Applied to the scalp the oil helps nourish dry hair and stimulates hair growth.