Mezze maniche

After the excesses of the festive season try these simple Italian vegetable dishes by Michelin-starred chef Theo Randall

Mezze maniche means ‘half-sleeves’ and these little pasta tubes have deep ridges that hold a sauce very well. Adding the roasted aubergine to the pasta at the last minute ensures you get all its flavour and retain its texture. Ricotta salata is salted ricotta, so be careful how much salt you add to the dish. If you can’t get hold of ricotta salata, feta is a good substitute.
Serves 4

◆ 3 medium aubergines
◆ 6 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
◆ 500g dried mezze maniche pasta (you can use a similar shape, such as rigatoni or penne if you can’t get mezze maniche in the shop)
◆ 1 garlic clove, finely sliced
◆ 2 mild green chillies, deseeded and finely chopped
◆ 2 tbsp miniature capers in vinegar, drained
◆ 2 tbsp finely chopped flat-leaf parsley
◆ 100g ricotta salata or feta, grated
◆ Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

1. Preheat the oven to 180C/160C fan/350F/gas 4.
2. Cut the stems off the top of the aubergines and cut each one lengthways into quarters, then across into 2cm slices. Add four tablespoons of the olive oil to a large bowl, then mix in the aubergines thoroughly so that each piece is completely coated in oil.
3. Line a roasting tray with baking paper and scatter the oiled aubergine pieces onto it in a single layer. If your tray is not big enough, divide the aubergines between two trays. Cook in the oven for 25 minutes, until soft all the way through. Remove and leave to cool.
4. Cook the mezze maniche in a pan of boiling salted water for three minutes less than the packet suggests.
5. While the pasta is cooking, heat a large frying pan over a medium heat, add the remaining two tablespoons of olive oil, the garlic, chillies, capers and parsley and cook for a couple of minutes.
6. Using a slotted spoon or sieve, remove the mezze maniche from the cooking water and add to the frying pan. Add two ladlefuls of the pasta cooking water and cook over a medium heat for a couple of minutes, stirring and tossing the pasta from time to time.
7. Add the roasted aubergine slices and give the pan a good stir or toss, so all the cooked aubergine is combined with the pasta, then cook for a further minute or two. Check the seasoning then serve in warm pasta bowls with the grated ricotta salata on top.

◆ Verdura: 10 Vegetables, 100 Italian Recipes by Theo Randall is published by Quadrille, price £28. Photographs by Lizzie Mayson

This recipe appeared in the January 2025 issue of The Lady magazine.