Making sure you have the right Nanny

Celebrity nanny-matchmaker in the USA, Alyssa Cesarini, gives her advice and top tips to parents employing a new nanny. 

Did you just hire a nanny? Whether this is your first nanny or tenth, there is always an acclimation period for every nanny and family once a nanny is hired. Over time, however, some red flags appear and you begin to question the selection. Do you continue to work on the problem, or let the nanny go? Some problems persist and worsen over time, which leads to resentment on both ends. I have placed 150 nannies in homes successfully. Read on to know which situations are deal breakers and which can be resolved. 

Here are some areas to consider when choosing your nanny. First, personality matching is imperative to make long-term matches suitable for today’s households and avoid future issues. Invest and be cautious about personality alignment from the beginning of the hiring process.

Bad energy is contagious and we need to preserve the innocence of our children and surround them with the most nurturing and caring humans possible. Often, when families are matched incorrectly, the agencies are to blame for doing the miss-matching. 

Second, open communication from the beginning is the key to success in these relationships, especially when sustained in a healthy manner, over time. This builds mutual respect, loyalty and validation to all in evolved with the upbringing of the children in the home. Everyone has a role and if we are self-aware, we will be more effective, and children will thrive emotionally, physically, and mentally. 

Considered these things and still worried your nanny is a bad fit for your family?

Here are 6 warning signs it is time to replace your caregiver: 

1. Children do not smile in their presence or babies (non-verbal children) cry or appear agitated when parents depart. 

2. Nanny isn’t excited to see child reach milestones or encouraging their development. 

3. The nanny rarely exceeds expectations or works additional hours, happily.

4. Your nanny “runs out the door” at scheduled time of departure or lacks patience. 

5. Your nanny exhibits poor communication and boundaries in some capacity.

6. You need to remind the nanny frequently of their schedule, and they lack commitment. 

Alyssa Cesarini is an entrepreneur and and founder of New York's Innovative Youth Care. As a parent coach/household consultant, she supports parents employing nannies or staff in their home.