Recommends: The Delaunay

The Lady's Restaurant Recommendations: The Delaunay 

Where: 55 Aldwych, London, WC2B 4BB 020 7499 8558

Why: Inspired by the grand cafés of Mittel-Europe, The Delaunay is an all-day café-restaurant located on the corner of Aldwych & Drury Lane. A large spacious restaurant with a classic elegant feel this venue is perfect at any time of day for breakfast, lunch, supper or a Theatre dinner. Currently you can enjoy a 2-course dinner at The Delaunay along with a Band A ticket to ‘Mood Music’ at The Old Vic (£70). The new play, which premieres as part of The Old Vic’s bicentenary season, explores the drama and psychodrama of making music. The Delauney menu includes a choice of; Avocado, rocket & quinoa salad, eggs benedict, citrus cured salmon tartare- and for mains; Goujons of plaice with french fries and tartare sauce, grilled spatchcock chicken with a mixed leaf salad or vegetarian Stroganoff with spatzle.

The Menu: Other lovely items on the menu include a wide choice of dishes from salads to seafood and café classics such as goulash, beef Stroganoff and steaks, as well as a special selection of Wieners and Schnitzels.

Highlight: Superfood Salad with quinoa- Tastes delicious with added sweetness of cranberries!