
Getting the right support in later life

From live-in assistance to finding the best accommodation, Clarity Care Consulting can meet all your needs

The past year has highlighted the dedication of those working in hospitals and NHS services, and Lynn Osborne leads a similar team of professionals who understand the difficulties faced by those searching for long-term care and support for themselves or loved ones.

Having worked in care settings for more than 30 years, Lynn specialises in finding tailored support for individuals in later life. Her understanding of healthcare, together with her knowledge of how to navigate the social care system, has enabled her to build a team of unsung heroes who can provide relief and reassurance for those in need.

‘Some people are perfectly able to remain in their home,’ she explains. ‘They just need daily, overnight or live-in help. Others get to a stage where they are looking for somewhere to stay, either for a short period or long-term, and are not in a frame of mind to research and negotiate all the options on their own.’ In the past year the coronavirus pandemic has added an extra layer of logistical difficulty that has seen Lynn’s team at Clarity Care Consulting not only step up checks on those in their care, but also provide counselling and support for staff and family carers.

‘I have never met any organisation or group of people more willing or quick to adapt to circumstances,’ she says. ‘Responding to times of crisis or uncertainty is when the caring profession excels, and I am so proud of how our clients have been looked after and supported throughout this unprecedented and worrying time.’

Due to restrictions on travel during the past year Clarity Care Consulting has expanded its operations to meet the demand from families who are living at a distance and unable to arrange and manage care for loved ones in person.

‘Video communication has been an absolute blessing. Families can see us, speak to us and build relationships that allow them to trust our judgement and recommendations. We use technology so they can virtually visit places with us, speak to carers and, most importantly, see their loved ones are healthy, comfortable and being looked after.’

Based in Hampshire, Clarity Care Consulting has been helping clients across neighbouring counties of Surrey, Sussex, Dorset and the Isle of Wight for the past 11 years and is clear about its purpose. ‘Most people simply aren’t aware of all the choices and support that is out there,’ explains Lynn. ‘They understandably only pay attention to the issues of care when they or loved ones are in need, and it can be difficult to be rational, pragmatic and calm in such circumstances – that is why I chose to call the business Clarity Care Consulting. We play a role in people’s lives which I see as both privileged and tremendously satisfying.’

You can contact Clarity Care Consulting by calling 023 9225 1351 or emailing

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